WHy is it that there are so many skeptics out there that find it so hard to believe that hydrogen generators can be built at home, installed in your car and be used to increase gas mileage? I posted a question earlier and I got nothing but ridiculed and called a liar. YES - I built a HHO Generator out of plexiglass, 8 3x2 Stainless Steel Plates, 2 Titanium 1/4" threaded Rods, and Flex Hose Tubing. I installed it in my 2004 Dodge Durango, and it has increased my gas mileage. I am in the Navy and we (the electricians in my squadron) are experimenting with our own versions. So why is it so hard for people out there to believe that this technology is not a hoax. It isn't complex. It's simple elementary school science.What exactly is wrong with you people? if you don't believe me, google the info. For God's sakes, quit being idiots.
Homemade Hydrogen Generators for cars?celebrity myspace
Not everyone in this world has your knowledge and know how. If you have something to contribute to the population then publish it in a book or register and patent you're invention so it can go into developement by someone who has the money and the backing to produce your discovery. We're not all geniuses ,we're consumers. It's up to people like yourself to move forward make your money from your project and allow all of us unknowledgable buy your contraption. If you do all of this then your idiocy and ignorance of the public domain will go away and you will have educated everyone.
Homemade Hydrogen Generators for cars?myspace quizzes myspace.comI really didn't mean that all of us were ingrates or dumbbells, some of us just haven't the know how or the skills for even the simplest of science task. You go for the gold. If you think you're God then so be it. I applaud you for your ingenuity. Good Luck. Report It
Knew there'd be an ad to sell us something. But like I said in my post can't and won't work Report It
2nd law of thermodynamics? 1: Earth is not a closed system. 2: Petroleum is an energy carrier (unless you think we magically get more out than mother nature put in). This HHO design is sound. BSME Report It
Where exactly is it street legal? Are insurance companies lining up for your business?
Are fire extinguishers and blank last %26amp; testament forms standard with every generator kit?
Actually, I agree! I believe the trouble comes from two fronts:
1) Everyone has seen pictures of the Hindenberg going up in flames and learn how hydrogen gas was the cause of this disaster (it wasn't the sole cause but most people think it is). This creates a strong degree of consumer resistance to the idea.
2) The "powers that be" in the fuel industry (ie oil companies and those who make money with them) are not about to let a rival to their near monopoly on providing energy become widely available. Car companies don't like the idea of re-training workers and re-tooling plants for the new type of engines.
Given the lack of public confidence (and understanding) and the lack of industry enthusiasm, its not hard to be frustrated when trying to premote hydrogen as a viable fuel.
It is a bit dangerous fuel, and even if im advanced DIY person, I wouldnt want to loose hands or eyes in process of inventions to my car.
i believe it is possible, but only for people that are good in sciences
I`d rather buy some small hatchback and put electric motors from old washing machines to all wheels or something else as realistic, safe and logical...
some people are simply addicted to oil. they LOVE paying $3.50 a gallon and polluting the air. They can't stand the fact that there could ever be an alternative. I know plenty of people like that. I can see that kind of behavior coming from the oil companies, but not the public. I understand, but it's true. hence more hummers on the road.
I'd love more than anything to get my hands on one of those hydro electric cars. I wouldn't even mind paying for the fuel. Clean, cheap and good for the economy and the earth.
can I buy one of yours? :o
Because it will not work, it violates the second law of thermodynamics.
Yes you are 100% correct, there are far to many uneducated idiots that think they no all but do not know nothing, blowhards.
As a matter of fact you can store ortho hydrogen to 100 psi before it becomes a hazard worse than the gasoline in your tank. If you want to even get better mileage with your unit install an EFIE unit, it puts a positive offset on the 02 sensor signal to fool your PCM to lean out the mixture. Also you could cool of the combustion process with a water injection (bubbler) lower NOX. There are so many different ways to increase your mileage and most of them work if you can get past the engine computer. Also lots of good info on yahoo groups.
Hydrogen power has been tantalizing energy experts for years. During WW II, the German Kriegsmarine commissioned studies in hydrogen peroxide propulsion. A number of small U-boats were equipped with experimental systems, and claims were made that speeds in excess of 25 knots were achieved--submerged! Fuel storage was extremely hazardous, but the problem may have been resolved. The trouble is, it isn't public knowledge HOW this was done--and the Brits and the Russians are not helpful in sharing the technology they gained postwar.
The Royal Navy experimented with a Type XVII U-boat after the war, but development was abandoned as the US nuclear program produced a propulsion system that worked better.
The Russians made off with the aircraft carrier Graf Zeppelin, loaded with railway cars and small U-boats--and probably an important piece or two in the jigsaw puzzle! The carrier sank in a storm while under tow.
Recently, an inventor claimed to have developed a system of releasing hydrogen from water using radio waves. Whether or not this is possible, it is intriguing to think that we may one day be able to use water as fuel.
In cars, they are already in production. In homes, I could only imagine them affordable to the affluent, initially. I have no problem believing you, the problem comes when someone does the same sort of thing, and has an intent that in less than honorable. Hats off to you AND your Squadron, and Thank You :)
Maybe it because it been tested and it fails badly. Every time it is put in a controlled environment it fails.
You state “It's simple elementary school science.” But this breaks the laws of thermodynamics, you start with water, end up with water, and get work out of it besides, (making more hydrogen and oxygen not counting the energy used to move the car).
Yes you can break water into hydrogen and oxygen, but let’s look at the math. Assuming your engine is in perfect tune, you get about 20%-to 37% the energy you put into it back as work, you lose about 7% to friction and the rest is lost in the cooling system and exhaust. Now assuming your alternator is 55% efficient, and let do the math.
Gasoline has a BTU of 18,000 per pound.
So now we have 18,000 BTU to play with, assuming we have a very efficient engine we start with 18,000 times your engine efficiency so 18000 x 37% we now have 6660 Btu then assuming we have an alternator that is 55% efficient our 6660 now becomes 3663 BTU. So to break EVEN that 3663 BTU must produce 18,000 BTU of hydrogen, and to increase your fuel mileage it MUST make more.
I know they told you the alternator is wasting electricity, it isn’t, when you don’t need as much electricity your alternator doesn’t put it out and thus doesn’t use as much power from the engine. There is NO way for 3663 BTUs to make 18000 BTU if it could you would be making more power then you use.
Even if you think I wrong and you believe the auto manufacturing companies are in bed with big oil, why hasn’t say India put it on their cars, or Japan a country that imports ALL it’s oil jumped on this? Or did big oil get to them too? You mean to tell me big oil got to every country that makes cars and they all sold out, come on, if really helped you’d see them on cars right now, the car companies have to make the CAFĂ© numbers.
But I’m going to bet you did see an increase in fuel mileage and here’s why. Back in the 1970’s there were many devices, magnets, water injectors, etc, that claimed to increase fuel mileage, and when tested every one failed, but people said they saw an increase in fuel mileage. They did some research and found that after a person put a device on their car, or thought a device had been put on their cars, that person changed their driving style for a while, they watched how they drove and that was responsible for the increase not the device. They knew this because they hadn’t installed a device they just told the people they did and show them a box under the hood of their car with wires and hoses coming out of it.
Oh just so you know this was big in the 1970’s too. And it didn’t work then and it doesn’t work now.
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