Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Why is it that large generators use electromagnets and small generators (bicycles) use permanent mag

All large generators, like those used by B.C. Hydro, use electromagnets, whereas bicycle generators use permanent magnets. What are the reasons for this difference?

Why is it that large generators use electromagnets and small generators (bicycles) use permanent magnets?real world myspace

In large power generators, there is additionally the desire to regulate the terminal voltage to the specified level. This is done by modifying the field current of the rotor-electromagnet. You can look at this as supplying the reactive power required by the network and the connected devices. You can't do this with a permanent magnet.

Why is it that large generators use electromagnets and small generators (bicycles) use permanent magnets?myspace top myspace.com

I am guessing this is based off of the size, and power requirement. Little bicycle generators don't require the magnetic field that a much larger generator does. Also, you can't really get the mag. field you need for a huge generator from permanent magnets.

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